Starting a Clan
Ready to take your Grotto to the next level and add a Kilted Unit? That's great!! Here is what you need to do:
Have a minimum of 5 members to start your Club.
Have a Grotto to sponsor the Club.
Complete the Unit registration form online and or complete it offline and include the member petition for the new members starting the unit and send it to with a heading for "New Clan".
There is an annual unit fee of $50 and each member's registration is $35 as a one-time fee. (If existing Nomad members are starting the Clan, then they will not require a registration fee). After approval, instructions will be sent to pay the associated fees. The annual fee will be due with submission and renewals will be each August after the convention. (Clubs starting June or July will have their Clan fee accounted for the following year!)
Start having fun and recruit new members!!